Shared ActiveWords

Creating an ActiveWords File to Share
Assigning a Shared ActiveWords File
Editing a Shared ActiveWords File
Other Attributes of Shared ActiveWords


Shared ActiveWords allow a central authority to distribute and control ActiveWords for a set of users on a Windows network. Deploying Shared ActiveWords assures the enterprise that each ActiveWords user is working with the same data, thus delivering consistent and accurate results using a shared, consistent ActiveWords language (i.e., triggering "liability waiver" delivers the same approved text across the set of users).

When an ActiveWords file (*.awdb) is assigned as Shared, data is inserted in the user data file for normal use, but cannot be edited or deleted using the ActiveWords user interface.

Updates to a Shared ActiveWords file are automatically incorporated into each user data file. ActiveWords periodically looks to see if a defined Shared ActiveWords file has been updated (based on Modified Date). When an update is seen, all data from the previous Shared file is removed from each user data file and all data from the updated Shared file is inserted.

This design assures that end users can trigger both their personal ActiveWords and Shared ActiveWords from the main ActiveWords interface. Usage information is maintained for each user as Shared ActiveWords are changed.

Shared ActiveWords files are stored at any network location accessible by each ActiveWords user.

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Creating an ActiveWords File to be Shared

An administrator creates an ActiveWords file containing data to be shared using the "Export" feature in the ActiveWords client. 

Create the Words and Actions to be shared. It is strongly recommended that each Description field contain text identifying the common relationship AND that each Action be associated with the same Tag. The text in the Description field and the Tag helps the administrator locate the data to be exported into the Shared ActiveWords file. The end user can trigger the Tag to get a list of Actions for reference and/or triggering.

In the video example below, the administrator has created 3 Words and Actions to be shared, using the Tag "cl." Right click on the Tag and select "Export." The Tag and its related Words and Actions will be included in the resulting "*.awdb" file.

Create Shared ActiveWords Video.   

Name and save the resulting *.awdb file (ActiveWords file) at the desired network location. The network folder location and *.awdb files must have read/write access to all ActiveWords users on the network, and, be simultaneously accessible by the number of users running ActiveWords.

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Assigning a Shared ActiveWords File

Now that the ActiveWords file to be shared is located on the network, this location and file name needs to be assigned in the "Shared ActiveWords" Settings dialog for each client. This can be accomplished manually through the Settings dialog, by sending a URL link to each user to be clicked, or by running a command line file containing the path to the Shared ActiveWords file.

Adding/Removing Shared ActiveWords assignments using URL links and Command Line files:

Send URL links to users:

ADD Syntax: activewords:shared?file=[path to file]

REMOVE Syntax: activewords:shared?remove=[path to file]

The network path to a Shared ActiveWords file must use a mapped drive (Z:\Folder\File) and not a UNC (\\SERVER\Folder\File).

Command Line Files Syntax:

ADD: [path to ActiveWords.exe program file] "activewords:shared?file=[path to file]"

REMOVE: [path to ActiveWords.exe program file] "activewords:shared?remove=[path to file]"

Example *.CMD file:

C:\Program Files (x86)\ActiveWords 4\ActiveWords.exe "activewords:shared?silent=yes&file=Z:\Folder\File.awdb"

Note that the "silent=yes&file=" syntax can be used in links and command files to repress the confirmation dialog.

The administrator can run *.CMD files for all ActiveWords installations using network management tools. Each line in the Command Line file can contain one add or remove command. Use a plain text editor such as Notepad.exe to create the file. Save the file with the suffix ".cmd".

Assigning a Shared ActiveWords file using the Settings dialog:

  • Right click on the Floating Icon or System Tray Icon and select "Options."
  • Click the "Shared ActiveWords" tab. Click "Add," then navigate to and "Open" the ActiveWords file to be shared.
  • Click "Apply" then exit "Options" when finished.

That's it! The contents of the Shared ActiveWords file will be silently inserted into the users ActiveWords data file, and is immediately available.

Assign Shared ActiveWords video.   

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Editing a Shared ActiveWords File

NOTE: For ease of editing, it is recommended all Actions to be used in a Shared ActiveWords file be assigned the same Tag. Exporting the Tag will create a "*.awdb file containing the Tag and all related Words and Actions.

Steps to edit a Shared ActiveWords file:

Editing Shared ActiveWords files requires Advanced Options. To turn on Advanced Options, check the box next to "Show advanced tools and options" in the Preference tab of the Options dialog.

  • Right click on the Floating Icon and select "Advanced>Exit external database."
  • Use the file browser to locate and select the active Shared ActiveWords file on the network.
  • The selected Shared ActiveWords file will be loaded as the active database (the administrator's personal data file is closed).
  • Click "Activate" on the ActiveWords License dialog and select a valid license file.
  • Edit as needed.
  • Right click on the Floating Icon and select Exit when finished editing.
  • You will be prompted to save your changes and automatically deactivate the license applied earlier to the Shared ActiveWords file.

Upon exiting, the existing Shared ActiveWords file is over written at its network location. Shared ActiveWords are then automatically updated on each ActiveWords client having that Shared ActiveWords file assignment. The administrators personal ActiveWords data file is then loaded when ActiveWords is started on the administrator's machine.

Edit Shared ActiveWords Video:

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Other Attributes of Shared ActiveWords

  • Shared ActiveWords assignments will be automatically removed from local ActiveWords installations if either the file does not exist, or the path does not exist.
  • If the network path is not accessible, for example, due to physical disconnection from the network, Shared ActiveWords will remain in the ActiveWords client data file, allowing for laptop usage and network maintenance.
  • An assigned Shared ActiveWords file that contains an Action identical to that existing in the user's personal ActiveWords file will be included as a duplicate Action.
  • Multiple Shared ActiveWords files can be assigned.
  • Files assigned as a Shared ActiveWords files must have read/write Security Permissions and the location should be accessible by at least the number of users having Shared ActiveWords assignments.
  • Shared ActiveWords in the user data file will be ignored by ActiveWords Sync.

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