
ActiveWord Addins are FREE and provide Actions focused on particular needs. For example, English Misspellings includes over 3,400 Actions that will automatically correct over 5,300 commonly misspelled English words as you type. Addins have the file extension “.awdb” and when opened will insert the content into your local ActiveWords data. Addins are free to use.

The file name is a Tag. After inserting, enter and trigger (or open) the Tag to review the included Actions. Edit as needed to change, add, or remove Words and Actions.


English Misspellings - Over 5,400 common English misspellings that auto-correct as you type in every context.

Spanish Misspellings - Over 1,000 common Spanish misspellings that auto-correct as you type in every context.

French Misspellings - Over 900 common French misspellings that auto-correct as you type in every context.

German Misspellings - Over 350 common German misspellings that auto-correct as you type in every context.

CLIO - Over 20 Actions to instantly create, access, and search your Clio data.

Commands - Substitutions for ActiveWord Scripting Commands for alt, ctrl, shift, and input. Use in the Script Action field. For example, alt={alt down}{alt up}.

Contractions - Over 30 Actions to insert the apostrophe in common English contractions, as in "dont " = "don't ".

Control Panels - Instantly open Windows Control Panels.

Currency - Includes five Words that enter a currency symbol when followed by any number. For example, “e4” will deliver €4, and “d6″ delivers $6.”

Domains - Open any Web domain instantly. These are good examples for using the ${input} command.

Evernote - 3 Actions to open Evernote, search, and create new notes.

Insurance Abbreviations - 58 Substitutions of commonly used insurance industry terms, courtesy of Steve Anderson.

Microsoft Office - 7 Actions to open Microsoft Office Programs (Excel, Word, etc.).

Outlook_1 - Newest search using Title Bar - 21 Actions to open and search Outlook folders, and add new Outlook items.

Outlook_2 - Older search field - 18 Actions to open and search Outlook folders, and add new Outlook items.

Salesforce Classic - 23 Actions to instantly access Salesforce pages and search Salesforce Classic data.

Salesforce Lightning - 26 Actions to instantly access Salesforce pages and search Salesforce Lightning data.

Search - Instantly search major Web resources such as Google and Bing. These show you how to use the ${input} command to make look ups instant and easy on virtually any Web resource.

Settings - Over 100 Actions to instantly access Windows 10 settings such as Windows Update, Privacy, Sound, Printers, etc.

Teams - 9 Actions for Activities, Chat, and to Search Microsoft Teams.

Toodledo - over 20 Actions to create, search, and manage your information on Toodledo.