Custom Triggers - Advanced Option

Custom Triggers allows you to expand the number of Triggers beyond Double Space, Any Delimiter, and None. A useful example of this functionality can be found in the free “currency” Addin.


See the Custom Triggers video:


To manage custom triggers, open the "Preferences" tab of the "Options" dialog and check "Show advanced tools and options." This will enable the "Triggers" tab in "Options." Once defined, custom triggers will appear in the "Trigger" drop down menu when you add and edit a Word.


You can define some "regular expressions" and individual keys as triggers. You can define more than one unique character as a trigger. For example, the Trigger "zx" will make both "z" and "x" a trigger, but not “zx”.


Check the "Include" box if you want to include the trigger in the result of a Substitution Action. All other Action types will always exclude the trigger.


The trigger "\d" will make any numeric key a trigger in any language. Try the "currency.awdb" Addin to see how it works.


To make backslash a trigger, use a double backslash as in "\\".


To delete a custom Trigger, first remove the Trigger from all associated Words.